Remember Kpop Academy? Well you could also Apply for the 6th Kpop Academy!!!

The graduating class of the 5th Kpop Academy with friends and Family. Can you spot me ;)

Just like the title says, do you remember the time when all I wrote about was the amazing adventures I had exploring Korea in London.....Click HERE for a reminder!!

Well I've got good news for you....You could also experience it!!!!

The Korean cultural Centre UK, after its successful completion of the 5th Kpop academy, has opened applications for the 6th Kpop academy. 30 people will be given the opportunity to explore different facets of Korea with the highlight being taking part in the promotions of this years Korean film festival.

You will get the opportunity not only to learn first hand about Korea from experts, but also to meet like-minded individuals who share similar interests as you. Over the 12 weeks journey, you will take part in awesome activities like learning how to make Korean food or learning the steps to your fave Kpop songs whilst making friends and having a jolly good time doing it!!!

To apply for this priceless opportunity and for a chance to win a return flight to Korea, check out the details below:

Download the Application From from the KCCUK website which can be found here 

Complete the application process and submit either by:

  • Fax: 020 7004 2619

  • In person or post: Korean Cultural Centre UK, Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW
Everyone interested in Korean culture (minimum age to apply: 15 years and over) is eligible to apply. 

Don't worry 누나~Noonas, 오빠~Oppas, 아저씨~Ahjussis or 아줌마~Ahjummas, you will not feel out of place so send in your applications :)

The successful applicants will be announced on the KCCUK homepage and Facebook on Thurs 15th September 2014 and contacted individually via email

Note: The deadline for application is 5 pm on Thursday 11th September 2014

* Application forms received outside of the application window will not be accepted.

*Postal applications must arrive by 5pm on Thurs 4th September in order to be accepted. (The KCCUK is closed on Sundays)

For more enquiries about KPop Academy, contact KCCUK at: 020 7004 2600 or

The class will run from

Good luck and hope you have an amazing time like I did. 

P.S: If you are lucky and do get in, don't be shy and say hello to people on the first day of class. Everybody is welcoming and there is bound to be someone who likes the same band as you. Besides with kpop and Kdrama, there is already so much to talk about ;)

with love,

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