CROOKED ~ 삐딱하게 PARODY for KPop Academy.

We didn't have a class during the Easter weekend, so we were asked to choose to either do a flash mob of a Kpop Song or make a music video.

Now ya'll know about the legend of my two left feet, so a flash mob was already out of the question.

A Music Video on the other hand, that is something I can do, case in point the video I made to celebrate International day of happiness was a success. Check it out HERE.

So a group of us decided to do a parody Music Video to G-dragon's song Crooked. Now it is no secret how much I love GD so this idea got me super psyched.

We decided to meet up at Camden town to film it (the original was also filmed at Camden and other locations around London). It was on a Saturday and also Easter weekend so it was a bit crowded. We did however manage to find a few less crowded alleyways with cool graffiti.
This is our attempt, it was kinda hard to keep a straight face whilst filming, we had a fab time goofing around and tryna channel our inner GD. It was a bit hard cos oppa is just awesome. But we did try our best. 

Check out our finished work below......

Check out the original video below 
I hope you enjoy watching it. 안녕, meera

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