One of my very good friends from Uni, Gaya, hung out with me after our final exams. I shared some pictures from that day here ~ Covent Garden through my iPhone Lens...
So Gaya and I share a love for good food, Arts and Books. So you can imagine that we have tons to talk about when we do manage to find the time to hang out. There's always so much to say and do, She is my kinda person!!
We started out the day eating lunch at Busaba Eatthai......
Then we headed to an old and rare bookstore near Leicester Square station upon Gaya's recommendation. We spent a good amount of time in there talking about books, and we met a nice fellow who was more than happy to join in the conversation.
I saw a first edition collection of Jane Austen hardcovers that made the heart of the Bookworm in me flutter. But alas, price is of essence...
I ended up with the Sylvia Plath book below and an old edition of children's poems though.
I am halfway into The Bell Jar and I'll have you know that I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Thanks for the recommendation Gaya.
Next I took her to the Korean Cultural Centre to have a look around (cos you know there's no way I wouldn't stop by when it was just round the corner!!!). We checked out the library and entertainment centre and then headed to the exhibition hall.
At the time the current exhibition was showcasing 'The Art of Printing' with ancient Korean manuscripts on display and there was a brief history of King Sejong (Creator of the Korean alphabets Hangul and ruler of the Joseon Dynasty). It was interesting.
Check out the KCC Website for more of these exhibitions!!
Then we stopped by convent Garden to have a wander round and check out the Market.
We also found this real quirky gallery that I fell in love with.
Check out pictures from covent garden by clicking here if you haven't seen them yet!!
Here's a sneak peak....

Then it was straight back to uxbridge. I really did have a good time as it always is with our trips to London.
I am really gonna miss this and you Gaya...
Hope you're having a fab time..
I do hope we get to meet up someday, either in London or somewhere in the world. I am sure we are gonna have tons to talk about!!
with love,
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